POV’s Diverse Voices Project New Call for Entries

POV is seeking to support emerging filmmakers through our Diverse Voices Project (DVP), a co-production fund supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. POV values exemplary storytelling, well crafted aesthetics, compelling characters and real-life drama shaped by the unique perspective of a filmmaker with something to say to a large audience. POV believes in presenting  works that reflect experiences not commonly represented on television, offer a springboard for discussion and provide a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

The Diverse Voices Project IV, with up to $100,000 in co-production funding per project, is designed to foster emerging and diverse documentary directors and producers with production support and mentoring with a full menu of services. Ultimately DVP will bring fresh voices to PBS, diversify the stories being featured on the national PBS schedule and support a talent pool that has not had access to public television resources.

To qualify for DVP support filmmakers cannot have a prior producing or directing credit on a nationally broadcast PBS program. (Lesser credits such as coordinating producer do not disqualify applicants.) All subjects, styles and lengths are welcome.

All submissions must be received by 5 PM, Friday, February 18, 2011. This is an arrival deadline, not a postmark deadline. Find out how to submit your film to the Diverse Voices Project at the POV website.