Latest issue of Films for the Feminist Classroom is now available

Still from <em> Claiming Our Voice</em>.

Still from Claiming Our Voice (Jennifer Pritheeva Samuel, 2013).

The latest issue of Films for the Feminist Classroom, published through the Department of Multicultural Women’s and Gender Studies at Texas Woman’s University, is now available at

Their special feature, “Teaching #BlackLivesMatter with Film and Video,” offers a range of activities for educators who wish to invite their students to grapple with U.S. racial politics, and more specifically, the legacies and contemporary expressions of anti-Black racism in the United States. Altogether, the contributions create a rich archive of films, videos, readings, lesson plans, and even an entire syllabus, which is further enriched through brief essays that explore pedagogical and practical dimensions of teaching about race and racism.

The issue also includes film reviews about topics such as immigration, class, work, the politics of food, the performance of gender and gender play in performances, feminist art, religion, mixed-race identities, and sexuality. Some themes emerge among this variety and diversity: several films illuminate the neoliberal dimensions of labor and economy and others bring embodiment to the fore as they explore reproductive health and justice. In the issue, readers will learn about these issues through films such as The Hand That FeedsNo Más BebésPrimetime: Fighting Back against ForeclosureHafu: The Mixed-Race Experience in JapanPearls on the Ocean FloorXmas without ChinaTales of the WariaRed Moon: Menstruation, Culture and the Politics of Gender, and Our Lady Queen of Harlem: A Portrait of Faith and Rebellion.

Films for the Feminist Classroom welcomes proposals for film reviews, special features, and lesson plans that include film or video media, as well as suggestions about regional and international film festivals to cover in future issues. Please see their call for proposals or contact for more information.

The publication would like to thank readers for their continued interest and support, which helps make Films for the Feminist Classroom a possibility. They hope that readers enjoy reading this issue and will circulate the news of its publication widely. You can also “like” their Facebook page or follow the journal on Twitter to receive updates and announcements about the journal and film-related events.