ACLU Petitions for Film Equality

Do you stand for gender equality in the film and television industry?

If so, sign the ACLU petition demanding film equality. It reads:

“Gender disparities in film and television directing are striking, and despite a number of reports and headlines about the issue in recent years, not much has changed. Over the last year, the ACLU has heard directly from more than 50 women in the directing industry. Their stories mirror the dismal numbers reported, but more importantly give ?voice to the discrimination they endure.

We believe that the failure to hire women directors and give them a fair opportunity to succeed in the field is a civil rights issue. This is why the ACLU Women’s Rights Project and the ACLU of Southern California have a campaign demanding that our government launch an investigation into the systemic failure to hire women directors at all levels of the film and TV industry ?in violation of state and federal civil rights laws.

Join us in asking our government to investigate this issue and stand with women directors. Sign our petition.”